The Property Tax Rates in Houston

Moving to Houston can be a fresh breath of air. There are plenty of business opportunities for aspiring homeowners, whether in the heart of Downtown Houston or neighboring areas such as Sugar Land.
Just be aware that in Houston, the property tax might be higher than expected. However, the flip side is that you won’t be subject to any local or state personal income taxes in Texas.
The annual state and local tax burden may vary depending on your income level and property’s value.
What is the property tax rate in Houston?

As of now, the property tax rate in Houston is $0.587995 per $100.
However, there has been a recent proposal to lower the tax rate to $0.567920 per $100. This proposed new property tax rate is not effective yet.
How are property taxes determined?

Property taxes in Houston are determined by multiplying the mill rates by the property’s assessed value. Property taxes are typically paid in a single annual payment due on or before December 31.
Property Tax Rates in Houston Cities

For your knowledge, the below tables provide the property tax rates in the most common Houston cities.